
How Pregnancy Affects Your Back Over Time

May 21, 2024
Pregnancy progressively strains your back as maternal hormonal changes and fetal growth shift the your center of gravity and loosen pelvic ligaments. Luckily, prenatal chiropractic care can help alleviate this back pain — learn how here.

Pregnancy is a miraculous time in a woman’s life, marked by exciting changes, anticipation, and transformation. However, it also presents significant physical challenges, particularly concerning the lower back. As a developing fetus grows, the mother’s body undergoes several accommodating adaptations, often resulting in discomfort or pain. 

At Repair Recover Restore in White Plains and Port Chester, New York, our expert team can help you understand how pregnancy impacts your back over time — and help you manage your symptoms effectively so you can maintain a healthy posture and normal mobility.

First trimester changes that affect the back

Hormonal changes during the first trimester start to prepare your body for your developing fetus. Specifically, your body increases its production of relaxin, a hormone that helps loosen ligaments in the pelvis and soften and widen the cervix. 

While these changes are crucial accommodations for both your growing belly and childbirth, they can destabilize your back and pelvis, leading to early signs of discomfort. Many women don’t immediately attribute mild back pain to pregnancy during these early weeks, however, as the changes can be quite subtle.

Second trimester places increased demands on the back

Fetal weight begins to increase during the second trimester, placing more pressure on your lower back (lumbar spine). The center of gravity shifts forward, forcing your posture to adjust. Many women start to experience lower back pain as a result of this shift. The lumbar spine curves more profoundly to accommodate fetal growth, which can strain your back muscles. 

The second trimester often marks the beginning of noticeable back pain. Activities that were once easy, like standing for longer periods or taking a walk, can become more strenuous and uncomfortable.

Third trimester can maximize stress on the back

Your baby reaches its final growth phases during the third trimester, significantly increasing in weight. Your expanding uterus also shifts more weight into the abdominal area, exacerbating the forward tilt of your pelvis. As a result, the strain on your lower back intensifies, frequently leading to a persistent condition known as pregnancy-related back pain.

During this stage, the hormone relaxin peaks, causing further loosening of the ligaments. While necessary for childbirth, this can lead to instability in your spine and pelvis, contributing to pain and discomfort. 

Additionally, your abdominal muscles stretch and may become weaker, providing less support to your back. This lack of support increases the likelihood of experiencing significant back pain.

How prenatal chiropractic eases pregnancy-related back pain

Prenatal chiropractic care is an effective solution to manage back pain during pregnancy. Our specialized chiropractors are trained to treat pregnant women, ensuring that all adjustments are safe and tailored to the needs of an expectant mother. 

Prenatal chiropractic techniques often involve aligning the spine and improving the function of the nervous system, which can help your body handle the additional weight and stress caused by pregnancy more effectively.

Regular chiropractic sessions can enhance posture, reduce nerve irritability, and ultimately decrease the incidence of lower back pain. Our team can also provide exercises and stretches that are safe to perform during pregnancy, which help strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, further supporting the spine.

Managing back pain during pregnancy

In addition to seeking prenatal chiropractic care, there are several ways to manage back pain effectively during pregnancy:

1. Exercise

Engaging in regular, pregnancy-safe exercise helps strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, providing better support to your spine. Activities like prenatal yoga, swimming, and walking can be particularly beneficial.

2. Posture

Maintaining good posture is critical. Try to stand straight and tall, with your chest lifted and your shoulders back and relaxed. Avoid locking your knees. When sitting, it’s essential to choose a chair with good back support; keeping your feet slightly elevated can also help.

3. Sleep position

Resting on your side with a pillow between your legs can alleviate back pressure and help maintain proper spinal alignment when you’re sleeping.

4. Heat and cold therapy

Applying heat or cold to your back can reduce pain and inflammation. Heat relaxes tense muscles and increases blood flow, while cold helps reduce swelling and eases deep pain.

Your prenatal chiropractic care experts

By understanding how each trimester affects your back, seeking timely prenatal chiropractic care at Repair Recover Restore, and taking proactive steps to manage discomfort, you can help mitigate back pain and enjoy a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy. Call our team today, or schedule a consultation online at your convenience.